Holy Qurbono

The first rite of the Qurbana was celebrated in the Church of Jerusalem, following the example of Our Lord at the Last Supper. Initially, it was referred to as the “Breaking of Bread” (Acts 2:42, 46) but later became known as the Eucharist, or Thanksgiving, named after the solemn prayer of thanksgiving during which the offering occurs.

The essential ritual action of the Qurbana remains consistent, following the actions of Christ at the Last Supper:

  1. Offertory: Christ took bread and wine.
  2. Consecration: He blessed them and said the words of institution.
  3. Fraction: He broke the bread.
  4. Communion: He gave them to His disciples.

At first, this rite was conducted alongside a common meal, as it was during the Last Supper. However, it was soon separated, and a preliminary service was introduced.

This preliminary service was influenced by the Jewish Synagogue service, which the Apostles were accustomed to attending. It consisted of:

  • Readings from the Scriptures
  • Psalms
  • Prayers
  • A sermon

The early Church adopted this structure, gradually incorporating the Christian Scriptures of the New Testament alongside the Jewish Scriptures of the Old Testament. This structure has remained the foundation of the first part of the Eucharistic liturgy in all rites up to the present day.

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  • holy_qurbono/the_rite_of_jerusalem.txt
  • Last modified: 3 weeks ago
  • by smcc