Friday, July 5, 2024

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HomeChurch in IndiaKeralaEcumenical Unity Highlighted at Golden Jubilee: Syro-Malankara Catholicos and Patriarch of Antioch...

Ecumenical Unity Highlighted at Golden Jubilee: Syro-Malankara Catholicos and Patriarch of Antioch Meet


In a historic ecclesiastical event, His Beatitude Baselios Cleemis, Catholicos of the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, joined with His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of Antioch and head of the universal Syrian Orthodox Church, during the golden jubilee celebration of Catholicos Baselios Thomas I’s episcopal ordination. The gathering, held at the Patriarchal Centre in Puthenkurisu, was marked by a significant announcement from the Patriarch, declaring Jacobite Church metropolitan trustee Joseph Gregorios as the Malankara Metropolitan.

The event coincided with the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church’s own Catholicos Day, a providential alignment that further illuminated the church’s journey towards self-governance and its role in the larger Christian ecumenical movement.

The meeting between Baselios Cleemis Catholicos and Ignatius Aphrem II was not just ceremonial but also a testament to the enduring connections and shared faith that bind the Syro-Malankara Catholic Church with the broader Syriac Christian heritage. It was a powerful visual of ecclesial harmony, with both leaders advocating for continued dialogue and cooperation.

Their discussions revolved around fostering deeper theological understanding and joint initiatives in the face of global challenges, reaffirming their churches’ commitment to ecumenism and unity.

Catholicos Baselios Thomas I, a figure of immense respect and religious significance, has led the Jacobite Church with profound spiritual guidance and wisdom. His golden jubilee is not merely a personal milestone but also a celebration of the steadfast faith and growth of the church under his leadership.

Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II, underscoring the continuity of tradition, presented a cross to Joseph Mar Gregorios, affirming his new responsibility as the head of the Jacobite Church in India. This move honors the wishes of Catholicos Baselios Thomas I, considering his advancing age and aligning with the recommendations of the Jacobite Church’s synod.

Kerala’s Chief Minister, Pinarayi Vijayan, who inaugurated the Patriarchal Day and the valedictory of the Golden Jubilee, emphasized the state’s desire for the Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church to preserve its identity and assured government support for the church’s peace-seeking endeavors.

The presence of Cardinal Baselios Cleemis at the event, where he was one of the distinguished guests, further highlighted the ecumenical spirit of unity and cooperation among Christian leaders in India.

During his address, the Patriarch praised the affection he received from the church members, acknowledging the Jacobite Church’s indigenous identity within India, despite its Antiochian origins. He highlighted the church’s integration of Indian cultural aspects into its liturgy and worship.

The Chief Minister lauded Catholicos Baselios Thomas I’s leadership, drawing parallels between the Catholicos’s life and Kerala’s current challenges, urging him to continue spreading Christ’s message amid the church’s tribulations.

The jubilee also featured a heartwarming ceremony where S. Somnath, Chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), was commended by Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II for ISRO’s space achievements, symbolizing India’s progress. Dr. Somnath received the inaugural Catholicos Baselios Prize, recognizing his contributions to science and technology.

The event concluded with heartfelt expressions of fraternal solidarity and a collective prayer for peace and unity within the worldwide Christian community. The faithful were left inspired by the vision of their leaders—united in diversity and dedicated to the service of God and humanity.

The Syro-Malankara Catholic Church extends its warmest congratulations and prayers to the new Malankara Metropolitan Joseph Gregorios, wishing him continued divine wisdom and health to shepherd the flock entrusted to his care.

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